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I found some fantastical paper manipulation today so I had to do another blog…oof two in one week! 🙂

Firstly its the Chanel Spring/Summer 09 catwalk show, now it seems that this is fairly oldish news but I hadnt seen it until today and its amaaaaazing…just WOW!  White paper flowers adorned every inch of the catwalk show. I wish I coulda been there, its like a paper wonderland!
This final image appeals to me most as it is very similar to my own work  —>jealous<—
In all there were 7000 handmade paper flowers which took 4800 hours to make from 4000 square metres of white paper! *faints*

Irritatingly I cant for the life of me find the exact artist who inspired me to write this blog! I’ll have another look tomorrow and make an edit…

However whilst hunting for him I came across these equally wonderous paper cutters!

Jen Stark:jenstark
Kako Ueda:
kakouedaJust amazing!

I’ll add the guy I couldnt find tomorrow…for now I’m off to cut some paper!!!